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Must Do this 7 Leg Exercises

Legs are an important part of our body.  It supports the upper body. If you don't do any leg exercises it will get injury easily. Legs are builds with many muscles like a quad, hamstring, glute, calf and ankles. These muscles are strong bond with bones. Once, your bones getting strong and muscles are ready to be with it. So, you have to build and strengthen your leg by doing these exercises.

There are a lot of exercises are there for the leg. Whenever going start any workouts do with basics. You might have seen many articles, videos about exercises. Don't do it immediately. It might have a chance to get injured your muscles. Otherwise, you can start with or without weights. After some days do with weights.

Initially, you have to understand the benefits to do leg exercises.
1. It would protect from muscles and bone injury. 
2. While running or doing cardio you would not feel any discomfort from the leg. 
3. It gives more strengthening to the leg. 
4. It reduces fats possibly from the thigh.

So, in this article, I have mentioned about legs exercises for beginners to advanced people.  Advantages of these exercises would be you can do in your home with dumbbells or without dumbbells. So. Let's see. 

Before starting, do some stretches for muscles endurance. Don't lift the weights or exercise without stretches or warmup. Otherwise, You will get an injury. 

Start these exercises with 8 - 10 repetitions for each and 3 sets. These exercises targeting whole leg muscles, bones and joints.

1. Reverse Lunges to Drive:
  • Stand in a position with toe closed.
  • Step back the left knee and bend your front knee and keep knees behind the toe.
  • The back should be straight.
  • To come up push up with the back toe drive your knees and thigh perpendicular to the floor.
  • Hold it and down the leg to the starting position.
  • Switch the other side and do the same process.
  • If you have dumbbells take with both hands. otherwise, keep your hands on your hips.

2. Jumping Squats:
  • When doing jumping squats, you wanna make sure you have a firm grip on the dumbbells, squeezing them as hard as you can.
  • Also wanna make sure that shoulders are engaged and refracted while maintaining a tight core and a straight back. Of course, you need to be as explosive as possible in your legs.
  • When you are coming down from the jump squat, you wanna make sure to absorb a much of the impact as possible.
  • Gradually control your movement down, easing the impact and trying to land as light as possible.
  • When doing these make sure you have your chest up with a big open chest. You don't want to put a strain on your lower back by bending too much and rounding your back.
  • Also If you feel any discomfort, do without weights.

3. Sumo Squats:
  • For sumo squat, all you need is one dumbbell.
  • Put a dumbbell up on its end like hammer position.
  • Stand with it right between your feet you want to have a little bit of wider stance that what you would normally for a normal bodyweight squat.
  • Point your toes just a little bit outward.
  • Get your butt out squat down pick up the dumbbell and then drive standing back and straight up again.
  • So, drop the hips down under control and then drive straight back up again.
  • Squeeze in the butt as you come up.
  • Keep everything nice and tight on the back.

4. Side Squats:
  • This squat should do with a little bit of sider.
  • When doing side squats, you wanna make sure that mainly doing all the work with one leg.
  • The other opposing leg should be straight and assisting you just for support.
  • Remember you don't want your knee to pass your toes when you are going down into your squat.
  • Make sure that your hips go out for back enough before you start to squat back down.

5. Single-leg Squat:
  • For this, take a chair which is comfortable to sit.
  • You wanna act as if you are gonna sit in a chair as low as you can.
  • But, the first thing you do is to push your hips back and that comes before you even start to squat down.
  • Once your hips are back enough and your glutes can spot where you gonna sit that's when you are gonna begin to lower body down using mainly hamstring.
  • Coming down as you can feel the majority of your weight always on heels and when coming back up, you wanna drive with the strength from legs to hips.
  • After completed one leg switch to another leg with the same.

6. Hip Thrusters:
  • Set up on the bench shoulder blades are right on top of the bench and your feet are hip-width apart your feet can be little wider.
  • When you raise your hips up you want to make sure your knees are at 90 degrees with the dumbbell you want to make you are holding that nice and stable on the upper part of the quad. So, go ahead and get your dumbbell set.
  • Get yourself set and all you are going to do is thrust upward lift the hips up.
  • Knees are right above the feet which are perfect and drop back down.
  • Drive the hips up and squeeze.
  • You wanna generate power and force. So, you have to move that weight a little bit.

7. Calf Raises:
  • This exercise would be for calf muscles and ankles.
  • Basically, you can use dumbbells or just use nothing.
  • Just put your hands on your hips or put them behind your head or use a wall or chair for stability.
  • You are going to have hands by your side If using dumbbells and going to lift onto the balls of your feet.
  • So, lift and squeeze the calves and down.
  • Make sure while doing this that you are keeping your shoulder back, the core is tight, standing straight, nice and tall.
  • Don't want any rounding. you want to come up, hold it for about one or two seconds and then just come down.
  • If you want to make hard, do it with single leg calf raise.

You came to end. It's enough for your leg. Split your day for fitness. Make yourself fit and strong as much as possible. 

If you want to know more about fitness check out my Fitness log which is given below.

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