Mental Health Plays a huge part in human's life. Once, If It is weak It would put you down without any excuses. It plays 70% of the role in your body. So, you need to be mentally strong to overcome a lot of challenges. Keeping your mental health as strong you can achieve whatever happens.

I would like to explain about mental health. Even though, when I got my mental health is too weak I realized that "how much it is important for me and how to balance it". Also If anyone feels that mentally weak follow this article.
The Psychological truth told that Mental Health affects 3 particular stages.
1. Mind
2. Brain
3. Body
Once, you get disturbed to mind it will affect your brain and it will go to your body. By keeping your mental health as strong you have to train your mind.
There are a lot of reasons behind mental health weakness. There is a lot of therapy to get strong. It's not enough to getting strong physically and also be strong mentally. Because your mind only to tell you which one has to do and don't. However, It getting tired it will not work.
Initially, understand you can't keep mental health strong every time. Everyone struggling at some time and the strong-minded person only can overcome it and weak people still getting depressed and feel lonely.
To overcome it you have to strongly believe. It would take time to get strong. So, keep training your mind, brain and body. The initial stage will be mind training.
1. Mind Training
The mind is nothing but your Intuition. It's not easy to change your Intuition. Because by changing your Instinct lot of struggles and suffering will face.
You have noticed, before your mind goes down, you did some actions which are more likely to your mind. Try to do that. It will be your loved one, passion oriented work. By doing these work your mind doesn't get tired.
If you don't have like that, try to focus apart from your world. Help others who are struggling financially and who don't have parents. The world is growing but still a lot of people suffering from mental health. Don't be panic to talk to others. Each and everyone needs help. Take initiate to be with them your mind automatically will come out.
Don't think you don't have anyone. Think about who are suffering every day and help them.
2. Brain Training
Nowadays, there are many games there about the brain. I'm not telling about video games or mobile games. It will affect your brain work to be poor. It might be Chess, square box like that. Think about creative work. It will help to grow for your profession.
People using their brain 30% only the remaining 70% is sleeping simply. First, you have to do some brain using games after that think about the creative mind. People are not born from a creative mind. you have to train everyday then only brain will work day by day.

Do some competitive and complex work. When you are in a happy mood you will not think about those complex problems. It is the right time to solve that. You will and you can. So, think about it.
3. Body Training
Doing high-intensity workouts you can overcome it. You might avoid some exercises which are you thought "I can't do this". It will be pushups, pullups and weight lifting like that. Do it now.
Apart from strength training, there are cardio exercises that will help to get mental health strong and brain growth. Cardio will be Running, Walking, Cycling, Skipping like that. Because cardio is the high-intensity workout.
Keep follow these 3 and it would help to keep your mental health strong. These are all playing and have a strong connection with mental health.
Whatever the reason but train your mental health strong then only you can able to walk away from it. I hope you will get it.
If you have any doubts, let me know.