Life will not move according to your plan or dream. Because lots of adults are dreaming every day to get millionaire or billionaire. Each starts there would be a good or bad ending. Don't worry about it and keep walking like little baby steps every day.

There are lots of life lessons that would teach "How it should go for you". That point you will realise the world is lying to you till now. For better understanding take an example in your childhood dream, In childhood, you may have thought you will become a doctor, lawyer, teacher or entrepreneur.
But after became an adult really everyone forgot about what you thought. Automatically their dream changed according to their comfort zone. It's all about your choice. From this what you did is, you keep moving forward.
In life, The adults won't accept their failure that is the main reason why they can't do after. From that, they got struggled and they stop doing. Initially, you have to erase that mindset.
Success doesn't come in a second and also it's not a 100m running race. Success is a longtime running like a marathon. You have to take some practice and learn some skills to achieve. Without practice, you can't run right.
The same process you have to apply in your life race. Take some practice and always ready to forgive yourself and most importantly never forgot to keep moving forward. Without move can't complete the race.
While moving yourself 3 things keep in mind,
1. Belief your own dignity, worth, guts.
2. Never forget what you want.
3. Commitment.
You might have been seen many motivational articles, videos and speech. After seeing "Do you apply in your life?" or "Do you follow what they said?". Obviously, most people answer would be nothing. Because all that would be tough work. You don't want to take any risks for the longterm race.

Let's take a real example, there are 2 types of videos that are uploaded. one would be "You can reduce belly fat in 7 days" and another would be just "Abs workouts". The people definitely choose to click easy one video. You understand the result after 8th day. That was not true.
So, never expect everything would be easy and everything would be tough. It all depends on "How you train yourself for it". Definitely, You can reduce your belly fat but not in 7 days. It might take the time you have to patience and keep work hard.
In between, you might lose something or you might get something. Positively take everything. Grow yourself in a positive attitude. That only keeps motivating and take a step to move forward.
Negative thought put you down and makes you feel worries. Those kinds of negative emotions can't help to grow up.
I don't know how many of you follow. But, in life, you can't achieve anything within your comfort zone. If it has happened, that would not depend on you.
Keep motivating yourself and keep motivating who are surrounding you. Note down your short-time and long-time goal. Get it one by one in a positive manner.
Falling down is an option and waking up moving forward is an opportunity. You might have a lot of option but the opportunity is rare. Some of the dreamer falling down as an option. Do not you to be the someone who takes everything as an option. Focus on your process.
Do not get afraid to move forward and hit your fear like a short ball. Keep moving forward until getting your right way. Never forget your dream fight for it.
If you need any motivational articles let me know in a comment. Best wishes to all my readers.
If you have any doubts, let me know.