Most of the people
looking for weight loss but also they should consider about weight gain.
However, Gaining weight is more important for lean people. Before deciding to
go weight gain or weight loss you have to focus on essential BMI to your

BMI is nothing but Body
mass index which is calculated by ideal height and weight. Calculate your BMI then decide. BMI will
vary for children, adults and older people. Every time you should attentive If
it is needed. Don't take your own decision for your body.
Bodybuilders mostly
focus on weight gain. This article not for them. It is all about those who are
in skinny fat and not get enough BMI.
Whenever you going to
gaining weight eat healthy foods. Don't go for junk foods or fast foods. It
will not help to gain muscles otherwise it will give lots of fats. You should
gain muscles not unnecessary fats. The Muscles help to make bone strong and
protect from injuries. Unnecessary Fats doesn't make you strong.
You can gain weight by
doing weight lifting exercise and eating healthy carbohydrates, proteins and
necessary fat foods. Try to do it.
Initially, before doing
exercise make sure your enough food and sleep. Most of the people common
mistake will be they will eat and will do weight lift exercise but they won't
get enough sleep. If your sleep is not enough your body would not give any
Here, understand what
the hormone will do our body,
Weight gain and weight
loss both depend on your hunger level. It stimulates from hormones which are
ghrelin and leptin. The Ghrelin hormone will increase your appetite and the
leptin hormone will decrease your appetite.
These two hormones play
the main role in our body weight. Whenever you feel hunger Ghrelin hormone is
working and If your stomach is full leptin hormone is meant to be working.
However, what should see is this both working-level depend on Sleep. Although
you don't have 7 - 8 hrs sleep these hormones working level will be very low.
So get adequate sleep every day.
*Foods for weight gain*
Eat healthy fats foods
every day that will be triggering to gain weight. There are many foods
available to get weight. Eat-in proper manner.

1. Fried cashews with
If you see cashew is a
kind of nuts family and ghee is kind of dairy product. Both will help to gain
weight also it is healthy fat foods. So, take 5 - 6 fried cashews with ghee in
the everyday night. It will assistance to get some weight.
2. Milk with Red Banana
Milk is a very essential
drink and red banana consist of more calories. You can take these two
combinations every day will get some benefits.
3. Rice
Cooked Rice contains
rich in carbs. Carbohydrates are an essential fat to our body. It is meant by a healthy fat. So, eating a cup of cooked rice whenever feel hungry help to gain
4. Non-veg
Non-veg is the huge
growth in the world and also it contains good fats. Weight gain non-veg would
be Mutton, fish and beef. It has some proteins and carbs. Take these all foods
in weekly 3-4 days. You can gain weight.
5. Egg
One of my favourite
protein food is an egg. In the egg white part contains protein and yellow part
contains healthy fat. So, eat two egg every day. You can take the egg with
boiled one or omelette. Both are good.
6. Nuts and Honey
Nuts are very rich and
essential nutrients. It has all the calories, carbs, proteins, fibre,
magnesium, calcium and vitamins. Honey is made by honey bees. It gives healthy
and natural sugar to our body. These both are effective to get weight.
7. Fruits and Vegetables
Eating the above foods
are good. But never forget to eat fruits and vegetables. It is the best
supporter to maintain your energy, stamina and blood level. There is no
particular vegetables and fruits. Take Rainbow colour fruits and veggies. That
means you have to eat all the colour.

These are all healthy
foods make to gain weights for those who are in lean and unbalanced BMI.
Make whatever try to do
for your body be attentive patience. Nothing will happen at a second. Take enough
sleep, foods and exercises. You will get a good result.
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