The Hamstring is the
kind of posterior thigh muscle placed between hip and knee. This muscle bit of
chance to get injury easily when doesn't do the exercise properly. The good
hamstring makes for strong knees. We all want strong knees during running and cardio
like that. However, you have to keep hamstring as strong.

Before going to the
exercise let's see a little about hamstring muscles which are split into,
- Lateral (outside aspect)
- Medial (Inside aspect)
- Proximal (upper region)
- Distal (lower region)
Also, there are 4
distinct muscles which are,
- Semimembranosus
- Semitendinosus
- Bicep long head
- Bicep short head
These muscles are called
biarticular muscles. The semimembranosus and Semitendinosus crosse both hip
joint and knee joint. Bicep long and short head crosses the knee joint not the
hip joint. It only flexes the knee and no action at the hip.
Hamstring important to
1) Injury Prevention
2) Athletic Performance
3) Aesthetics
So, here there are 5
exercises have to do for hamstring strengthening. Do 8 - 12 reps and 3 sets for
a beginning. It is a really useful exercise and weekly twice you may do during
leg day. Before going to start exercise do some stretches for your hamstring. Let's start,
1) Stiff-leg Deadlift
- Take your dumbbells each hand and stand a position with back straight.
- Slightly bend your knees and slowly do down until you feel hamstring getting stretch.
- Slowly back up to starting position.
- Do until you complete the repetition.
2) Lying Leg Curl
- First, you're going to start down on the ground prone place.
- keep the dumbbell between your feet braces at your abdomen.
- Curl the dumbbell with your feet up to where your feet are straight above your knees.
- Slowly lower feet down and resist the gravity maybe a 2 (or) 3 count touch the ground then back up slowly.
- Repeat the process and complete it.
3) Glider Leg Curl
- For Glider Curl use slider or
- Lye down on the floor and bend
your knees.
- Take your one leg raise up and tuck another knee to chest level.
- Take 5 secs to slowly release that leg out in the full extension of the knee.
- Maintain your full extension of the hip.
- Now, come back and then slider it back. raise up on both legs should come up.
- Keep doing this for one to two straight minutes.

4) Hip Thrust with feet on a bench
- Lye down with the back of the
- Extend your arms out of the
- Place your feet with stable the bench, box or chair.
- Raise and extend your hip with a straight line from your knees to shoulder.
- While pressing your bench feet keep your core contractive & pass and squeeze glutes hard.
- Slowly repeat the exercise with hip without touching the floor.
- Hip thrust you can do both legs or single legs.
5) Single-Leg Hip Thrust with feet on the floor
- Lye down on the floor and bend your knees.
- Your feet should touch the
- One leg on the floor and one the leg should straight up.
- Push off of the leg on the floor, thinking of pushing out of your heels.
- Push up and down.
- Do until your reps get the end.
It's over.
These are all the 5 best
hamstring exercises are there. It's really effective and useful. Try and hit
your hamstring muscles.
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