Fast Foods is the mass-produced business over the world via Restaurant, Hotel, Roadside foods and door delivery like that. 

Here the fact is every fast food being unhealthy. It doesn't contain any goodness for health. Everything comes from Chinese foods. It's unbalanced food. 


Because, they prepare for fast foods which are used pre-cooked meal, pre-cooked ingredients and wastage of meat. There are lots of cons to fast foods. It gives unnecessary diseases. 


Fast foods heed to be filled with fat, artificial sugar, salt & calories. Roadside foods workers don't take any precautions like gloves, hair cover and without washing substances. They feed people without any hygiene. These kinds of handling provide diseases.


People who are addicting to fast foods and junk foods have to see the packaging. It's plastic or polythene covers. They pack the hot foods in these kinds of covers would be unhealthy. Instead of this, they have to take paper covers. But, none of them aware of this.


For tasting addiction, they consume artificial food dyes and preservatives. Artificial is not too good for health. Unfortunately, would not change anything. we have to aware of this production. Nowadays, everything becomes a business.


Nonveg foods they are used red meat and wastage of animals meat. Red meat contains lots of calories and fats. That's why it gains the weights. Some of the fast foods for nonveg they using pig meat and waste of derm. They adding chemicals for long time storage.


Here, let's understand the 4 main reasons why it's unhealthy,


*Used Cooking Oil* 

Many of the small hotels making foods with used cooking oils which means they buying one time or two times used oils with low cost from big hotels. Those restaurants sell their fried oils for reuse of small hotels. 


Oils don't contain any benefits after used one time. It's fully unhealthy and produces health problems. They don't use vegetable oils instead of that, they handling soybean oils and canola oils. These are artificial oils and gives many cons.


*Adding Chemical Ingredients*

There are 75% of fast foods made up of chemicals. It is mostly adding only for colour and taste attraction for people. Initially, everyone getting interested in colours of foods. For that they adding chemicals.


Making foods also adding lots of artificial chemicals. These kinds of chemicals will produce cancer problem. They adding more chemical ingredients more than homemaking foods. For example, potassium, aspartame, sucralose for artificial sugar, maggots and rubber.


*Low-time Invested* 

Generally, The traditional foods for cooking take 30-40 mins but fast foods it has been ready within 10 mins. However, It's not cooking fully. They feed halfway through foods. It contains a digestion problem and staying our stomach in long-lasting ever.


*Using Pre-cooked*

Using Pre-cooked mostly will happen in non-veg fast foods. Because non-veg foods can't cook within 10 mins. So, they handling pre-cooked method. Whenever going to a restaurant for non-veg foods they feed the foods just after heating. People don't know when it was cooked. 



These foods contain lots of fats and they can't burns while doing exercise also. Make sure of when it was cooked. 



Eating fast foods continuously also give some side effects. You have to know about this


1. Cardiovascular disease

2. Colorectal cancer

3. Obesity

4. High cholesterol 

5. Insulin resistance conditions

6. Depression

7. Headache

8. Laziness

9. Low immune system

10. Low energy


Here are all the cons are there in fast foods and junk foods. I'm not to say you have to completely avoid. Just eat less and make your body healthy. Every time take attention while eating. 


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